
1) Try to give more examples of own prints, e.g. take more pictures with own SLR camera and get the film developed for putting on my blog/ mounting to my mounted sheet.

2) To explain in more technical detail how I did specific photo's.

3) Find different ways to capture light and post them to the blog.


Exam Targets

Have you taken a broad range of  primary photographs for your exam theme such as digital AND film photographs? Are these on your blog?

I have managed to take a range of Digital photos but due to the fact that my camera has been messing up and I exposed my negatives to light at some stage, I haven't been able to take any decent film photos related to my exam theme. I have posted my selection of Digital photos to my blog and the ones I felt that are relevant to my exam theme.

Have you explored and developed your ideas imaginatively? How have you demonstrated this?

Have you researched a diverse range of artwork and completed this on your blog? Who have you analysed? Is your analysis in-depth?

I have researched a range of artists such as Johan Thornqvist and I feel that the analysis is in-depth enough to give insight to his work and tell that I would take on board his work and maybe use his ideas to inspire my own work. I have also researched Rankin who was an artist who tasked music artists etc. with the job of 'destroying' their own picture. The results are interesting yet sometimes they can be plain and boring. I also researched Geraldine Georges who draws directly onto her photos or making completely different photos out of the original one.

Have you experimented with a wide range of techniques both handmade and computer generated? 
Which techniques have you used?
I have experimented with handmade and computer generated design. I have used Ink on my version of a Rankin Destroy 

Have you refined / developed your outcomes through experimentation? How?

Have you written in detail about your experiments and developments on your blog and used this information to help you improve?

Have you taken imaginative leaps/ shown a sense of discovery/ willingness to take risks in your work? If so how? If not, how can you do this?

Have you shown enthusiasm and imagination in your work? If so, how? If not, how can you make changes to do this?

Have you created work that is exciting and original? If so, how? If not, what can you do to improve this area?

Have you annotated your blog thoroughly throughout?

Have you practised with your exam outcomes by creating mock-ups? Are your outcomes skilful/ well constructed?
I haven't been able to create one because I haven't had my prints to practice with.

Have you created an exam plan?
I haven't managed to create an exam plan but I know roughly in my head what I will have to do.