Monday 9 January 2012

Analysis of one of Patrick Rochon's work

Patrick Rochon's Light painting over a car
 This light painting was by Patrick Rochon, using different coloured lights and a long exposure time on a camera, either SLR or Digital. Light painting is a new and creative way to decorate pictures that would be otherwise dull and simple. This is the new way of making images bright and eye-catching and something for new artists to have a go at because it's not only Photography but is Art in the way they are 'Painting' over an image. Patrick Rochon's work is quite modern so it's relevant to todays environment.

There is a sense of space in this Picture because the car is in the middle of the page with the surrounding area being black. The lights are quite bright, as if to create the effect of wind blowing over the top of the car. This is effective because the the lights also reflect of the car bonnet, highlighting the front of the car and leaving the rest of the car to fade to the blackness. The picture is big itself is quite big as the car in the middle is quite big. If the car was smaller, then the artwork would be condensed and not as effective because the lights are making the car look elongated and longer than it really could be. The colour is quite bright compared the background to obviously be able to be seen and effective the same time.

This work seems to be a landscape Photo and also, the theme could be cars and making advertising/ branding more effective and eye-catching like in the Honda Advert that Patrick Rochon did because it shows a false image that cars can go through light and create these light sources that are just really light painted over the top of the object.

I like this painting by Patrick Rochon because it's quite simple yet it's effective because of the colours that he has used over a dull object (In my opinion) and using a black background gives the effect that it's just coming out of the darkness to be surrounded with light and joyfullness. Also, it looks like it has been elongated and stretched past it's usual size.

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