Tuesday 17 January 2012

Evaluation of the Light Project

For my Light project, I  found it quite fun to do because it's using light to experiment with and create different photographs and also using the computer to create light effects, for example using Glow Doodle online to create interesting light and movement patterns and using photoshop to create lines and using the different options in Photoshop to make it look like it done as a light painting and therefore, creating articfical light as it's 'forcing' light in a pattern that could've taken time or overlaying of the light.

I have found this project to have some easy ideas to it and some that were slightly time consuming because of how to set up all the equipment when it would've been easy to just point and shoot with a digital. But with this way of taking photos, most of them would've not come out in focus and they would've turned out blurry.

I was inspired by the work of Patrick Rochon, who uses light to create different effects and moods by using different type of lights and creating a whole unique world using Fashion and light together. Also, he had inspiration from the smallest things like men who were covered head to toe in white paint and they had the light coming of them. Also, I looked at the work of Pablo Picasso and saw how he used light to create surrealist art work and give different forms of photo. Also, it shows the modern approach that Picasso took to creating art work. I looked at the work of Joseph Holmes and I found it interesting and the way that he's captured the landscapes with natural light of the scenery. I have tried this myself with a Digital camera and the results that I got were really nice and I captured a soft light of the sun shining over Ashtead Common because of the frost that was also in the air helped cast the soft light. So it was natural soft light that was the result.

The things that I would give more time to is when using photoshop to create 'Artificial' light on a picture using layers and different sort of hue & saturations. I would give more time to this because it was hard to listen to all of the tutorial and try to keep up with the steps. But once I knew the basic steps it was simple to do and I got some good results out of using this way of creating fake light on top of an original photo.

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