Friday 30 December 2011

Patrick Rochon - Light photography

Deep sea predator and prey - Patrick Rochon's Website
Fire tail dragon - Patrick Rochon's Website
These pictures are really effective yet simple because Patrick Rochon just uses one main colour (red) and makes a picture out of a few swirls and leaves the imagery to someones imagination if it wasn't titled. Also, in the Fire tail dragon photo there is a hint of a lighter colour like white/ peach colour on some of the edges to define certain points if to make them more pointy. In the first photo, there is little hints of white to suggest there is an animal there, but because it seems like it's facing us head on then it is used to portray this fact.
Fashion through the eye of Light - Patrick Rochon's Website
Fashion through the eye of light - Patrick Rochon's Website
Fashion through the eye of light is really nice and these are more like a fashion shoot and Patrick Rochon   uses mainly a pink background with the hint of blue in the corners and using a white light around the model to make her look retro/ vintage and to bring her face out of the background instead of covering her completely in colour. The first photo to do with fashion sets a rather moody tone yet using bright colours around her, makes her blend slightly into the background and again using the white light shone onto her face to make it look like she's wearing a white mask or white face make-up.
Sports Shoe Light painting - Patrick Rochon's Website
Sports Show Light painting - Patrick Rochon's Website
The picture of the last trainer are good because it looks like the trainer is moving through the picture and the light is just gliding over the top of the shoe itself so it looks realistic and not something that has been 'painted' on top of the image. The only way you can tell that the shoe has been painted over is because the soles and the inside of the shoe have been re-painted over to give of a green neon glow. The first trainer looks like it is falling through air and Patrick Rochon has given the 'air' a glow to suggest it's glow in the dark but really he's just used different colour laser pen over the top and made the blur of the pens mix together to give the motion effect.

These are only a small selection from his website. There is more on his website in the different portfolios online.

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