Monday 5 December 2011

Photographs, Digital and SLR

Light in the front room (SLR Camera)
The effect of this really nice because it looks like there is loads of fog in the room and it gives a fog look to the room which dulls the light and doesn't make it so powerful.

Calendar, Blurring, No Flash. (SLR Camera)

Calendar, Blurring, No flash (SLR Camera)

Calendar, No blurring. No flash (SLR Camera)
Stairway, Top of the stairs. Blurring. Flash on. (Digital Camera)
This gives the idea that there could be a paranormal presence in the hallway (Where the shawdows are at the side of the staircase on either side)

Moon at night, with flash on. (Digital Camera)

All these photos that I have done I have accomplished with trial and error because on my digital camera I have an automatic flash to get the correct picture so at times I had to cover my flash to get the picture that I wanted yet have it in mostly focus, unless it was my second Digital picture where I had the blurriness of the window and the focus of the surroundings because this gave a really nice effect as the original picture was quite large.

Sunlight on a frosty day

Sunlight at a different angle

Close up of a flower covered in frost

Lookout over the Common covered in frost

Another lookout over the common with less sunlight. Covered in frost

Below are some light painting that we experimented with on a Digital camera.
This photo was just one of our testers because we were just using the pen to create light and if the light was picked up on the Digital Camera that we were using at the time.



This photo came out the best because of the brightness of the laser pen that we used and the design was picked up really quickly. We feel that this one worked really well and we all agreed that this was the best design.

These pictures were taken in the pitch black of the Dark Room to enhance the brightness of the Laser pen and when we used the green laser pen the beam was stronger than the red beam meaning that we were able to get a more of a design around the model. We were happy with our outcomes and we were especially happy with the design that came out when using the green laser pen because of it being strongest out of the two laser pens that we had been using.
I think that when we were doing the laser we should have spent more time on using the pens because we only managed to get a few pictures done with the laser pens because we were trying to get a decent picture and also trying to get a good laser pen to work properly without flickering on and off.

The above photos are my newest SLR pictures and the effect I got with these is a sort of Lomography effect because of my Camera. I really think this effect works with the pictures because it adds a 'paranormal' effect like something's been picked up by the camera that the eye can't see. I am really pleased with these outcomes, even if I didn't plan this to happen and I am glad that these photo's worked. Also, the second picture down is of a Christmas tree and I really like the warmth effect given because it looks like the tree is giving of an orange glow and it's lighting up it's surroundings. 

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