Sunday 27 November 2011

Pablo Picasso Analysis, AS Photography

Pablo Picasso was a Spanish painter, draughtsman and a Sculptor. Picasso is one of the most recognized figures of 20th-Century art and he is best known for co-founding the Cubist movement and for the wide variety of styles that are portrayed in his work. Among famous works of his, are the Proto-Cubist Les Demoiselles d’Avignon (1907) and Guernica (1937). He is not mainly known for his light paintings but they are also part his artwork. This work doesn’t fit in with the time that Picasso was in because it was a new/ more modern thing for photographers to do back during his time, but he was experimenting and exploring different ways of art/ photography.

The work seems to be at page size A4 but this could have come out differently if Picasso had worked to smaller sizes/ the size of the paper that had been given.  The process that was involved here was using a type of light pen to create certain effects given by the light pen he was using and the colour of the pen was white. I feel that the paintings with light weren’t structured because Picasso, in the pictures, look like he’s just experimenting making all sorts of lines join up together. But also, two of his photos could represent 1) an animal (e.g. a cow) and 2) a face that’s done without turning the light on and off.

This sort of work could be either landscape or portrait but the work of Picasso seems to be done as a landscape because there is loads of room either side of Picasso, showing the background and more space for him to create different effects for photographs. The only person that is involved in these photos is Picasso himself, showing what he is creating and how he’s creating it, with the aid of a slow shutter speed and a white laser pen.

I don’t know what to feel about Pablo’s work because it doesn’t look appealing for me, but it’s interesting in the way that he’s been able to create pictures with light because I thought that when using a sow shutter speed you still have to be quick because you may think that you will have long time to create a picture but the time goes quickly but this also depends on what sort of camera you have because different cameras have different versions of shutter speeds.


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